Principle 7: The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals.
Language Arts/Reading

Well student teaching in fourth grade, I created an 11 day unit on Our Solar System. This unit focuses on the importance of the sun, the earth's movement, moon phasa, planets, and other things found in space. Students did the primary research on a specific planet, in which they gathered specific information to create a written five paragraph report. This unit includes reading stories, watching videos, examining pictures, creating a hands-on moon phase, unit quiz, unit test, a written report, and other various worksheets and activites. This unit will require students to engage in conversation on why there is only life found on planet Earth. The following lessons are some of the lessons that I included in my unit.
Our Solar System- Science Unit.ppt (6,7 MB)- Unit PowerPoint; includes information, pictures, and videos.
Solar system 3.doc (38 kB)- Seasons
Solar System Report Directions.doc (745 kB)- Directions and Rubric for Solar System Report
Solar System Unit Test.doc (568 kB)
This is a picture of a moon phase activity students did with the use of Oreos. Students got rid of icing depending on which moon phase they had to create.
Solar system 5.doc (41 kB)
Here is a bulletin board I created that reflected the Solar System. The bulletin board was in the classroom and was easy to access if students needed a way to help them recall information.
Social Studies
During my time, student teaching in fourth grade, I created a 9 day unit on The Pennsylvania Colony. This unit focuses on how Pennsylvania was founded, people, communities, and life back in the early days. Students compared life long ago to life today in the form of several activites. This unit was intregated with the Language Art unit that was being taught at the same time this Social Studies unit was being taught. Students were able to make conclusions about life long ago based on the information they learn prior to this unit, as well as with the information from this unit. This unit included reading stories, examining pictures, watching videos, persausive essay, letters from the past, unit quiz, unit test, and other various worksheets and activities. The following lessons are some of the lessons that I included in my unit.Students wrote a letter acting as if they were a Quarker on board the Welcome ship, with William Penn. Students included how William Penn obtained land in Pennsylvania, why they were coming over to Pennsylvania, and what the voyage was like coming to Pennsylvania. Students were then able to tea-bag their letters to give them that old look. This project was entended to inform the Willow Creek community on why they are here in Pennsylvania today.
William Penn- Social Studies Unit.ppt (1,7 MB)- Unit PowerPoint; includes information, pictures, and videos.
Social Studies 3.doc (42,5 kB)- Group Project
Social Studies 7.doc (47 kB)- Compare & Contrast
Social Studies Unit Test.doc (704 kB)